AA rough, cindery lava
AB abdominal muscle {OSPD3} AD advertisement AE one AG pert. to agriculture AH to exclaim in amazement AI three-toed sloth AL East Indian tree AM [be-conj] (to exist) AN indefinite article AR letter 'r' AS to the same degree AT in the location of AW intj. expressing disbelief AX to cut with an ax AY aye BA eternal soul in Egyptian mythology BE to exist BI bisexual BO pal BY side issue DE of, from DO to execute/first tone of musical scale ED education {OSPD3} EF letter 'f' EH intj. used to indicate lack of understanding EL letter 'l' EM printer's measurement EN printer's measurement ER intj. expressing hesitation ES letter 's' ET [eat-conj] (to consume) EX letter 'x' FA fourth tone of diatonic musical scale FE Hebrew letter (feh, pe) {OSPD4} GO to leave/Japanese board game HA sound expressing triumph HE male person HI intj. used as a greeting HM intj. expressing thought (hmm) HO intj. used to attract attention to something ID part of psyche related to instinctual impulses IF possible condition IN influence IS [be-conj] (to exist) IT person playing tag/indefinite pronoun JO sweetheart KA Egyptian spiritual self KI vital life-sustaining energy force (qi) {OSPD4} LA sixth tone of diatonic musical scale LI Chinese unit of distance LO intj. used to attract attention MA mother ME pronoun referring to myself MI third tone of diatonic musical scale MM intj. expressing satisfaction MO moment MU Greek letter MY possessive prounoun NA no NE born with the name of (nee) NO negative reply NU Greek letter OD hypothetical force of natural power OE Faroean wind OF coming from OH to exclaim "oh" OI intj. expressing dismay (oy) {OSPD4} OM mantra used in meditation ON side of wicket where cricket batsman stands OP style of abstract art OR heraldic color gold OS orifice/bone/ridge of sand (esker) OW intj. expressing sudden pain OX hoofed mammal/clumsy person OY intj. expressing dismay PA father PE Hebrew letter PI Greek letter/to jumble QI vital life-sustaining energy force {OSPD4} RE second tone of diatonic musical scale SH intj. used to urge silence (shh) SI seventh tone of diatonic musical scale (ti) SO fifth tone of diatonic musical scale TA thanks TI seventh tone of diatonic musical scale TO toward UH intj. expressing hesitation UM intj. expressing hesitation UN one UP to raise US objective pronoun for "we" UT musical tone in French solmization system WE plural pronoun WO woe XI Greek letter XU Vietnamese monetary unit YA you YE you YO intj. used to call attention {OSPD3} ZA pizza {OSPD4}
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