Today, we managed to find a list of the new Club Penguin languages which are coming soon! In a short amount of time, Club Penguin will be available in a total of 8 languages.
This is a screenshot from the flash code for Thin Ice on Club Penguin. If you don’t know what this means, I’ll explain it for you. The 2 letter symbols at the end of each line stand for the languages. The first 4 languages were released already, and in the this order. Soon Club Penguin will be available in all of the following languages:
1. EN – English
2. PT – Portuguese
3. FR – French
4. ES – Spanish
5. DE – German
6. IT – Italian
7. ZN – Chinese
8. JA – Japanese
The languages will be released in this order too. I’m not sure when Club Penguin will release this update, but it will happen sometime. What languages do you speak at home?
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