Today at the Iceberg in Club Penguin, I saw a giant squid circling around the iceberg! You can see a shadow of the giant squid around the iceberg every 10-20 minutes! I think that this is the same squid that is in Puffle Rescue and Aqua Grabber. Here are some pictures of the giant squid:
Here is a picture of the Giant Squid’s tentacles on the lower right of the iceberg:
This is a picture of the giant squid’s head in the lower right of the iceberg:
Here are the times (in Penguin Standard Time) that we can see the Giant Squid:
For AM: 0:10, 0:29, 0:51, 1:12, 1:30, 1:48, 2:09, 2:27, 2:51, 3:15, 3:32, 3:54, 4:13, 4:25, 4:48, 5:06, 5:27, 5:53, 6:10, 6:33, 6:49, 7:07, 7:28, 7:49, 8:12, 8:30, 8:52, 9:08, 9:32, 9:51, 10:11, 10:29, 10:49, 11:09, 11:27, 11:52.
For PM: 12:10, 12:29, 12:51, 1:12, 1:30, 1:48, 2:09, 2:27, 2:51, 3:15, 3:32, 3:54, 4:13, 4:25, 4:48, 5:06, 5:27, 5:53, 6:10, 6:33, 6:49, 7:07, 7:28, 7:49, 8:12, 8:30, 8:52, 9:08, 9:32, 9:51, 10:11, 10:29, 10:49, 11:09, 11:27, 11:52.
I think that the Giant Squid is here for the adventure party, or it may be part of a new EPF Field-Ops mission. What do you think about the Giant Squid? Share your thoughts in a comment!
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