Sunday, September 13, 2009

Club Penguin Ninja Fires

Post image for Club Penguin Ninja Fires

There are a lot of interesting things happening around Club Penguin for ninjas having to do with fire. It’s probably related to the Club Penguin Card Jitsu game, because fire is one of the three card types.

A few days ago, on September 4, the 101 Days of Fun activity told penguins to wear their ninja suit to the cove and to stand next to the fire. If you did, the fire would burn much higher than normal. This also worked for the other fires in the game, like the one in the oven at the pizza parlor and the one at the ski lodge. Someone had to wear a ninja suit and stand near it. It doesn’t work anymore but here is what the fire at the Cove looked like when someone did it. It might be a coincidence, but this weekend was also the Burning Man festival in the desert in Nevada where at the end of it they set a huge wooden man on fire.

Then a few days ago, Black Puffles started showing up all around the island. As most of you know, black puffles can turn red and fiery at times, like when they eat Puffle-O’s, their favorite food. A black puffle on fire is also the star of the Thin Ice game in the lounge above the Night Club. These hidden puffles will also turn red and burst into flames when someone wearing a ninja suit walks by them.

There is one black puffle hidden up on top of the giant Rockhopper billboard at the Ski Village:


There is also one at the Forest.


And there is one outside the Dojo, underneath the big red dojo gate on the right.


There are two black puffles inside the Flying Flippers Emporium, the secret ninja hideout. One is on each pedestal on the left and right.


What could all these things with fire mean? No one knows, but I think it must have something to do with Card-Jitsu because of the ninja suit connection. Or maybe it is a hint for Mission 11, but that seems less likely. We’ll have to wait and see!

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