Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Club Penguin Reviewed By you

Today on the Club Penguin Blog, Billybob posted a new Reviewed by you.

Last week, Club Penguin asked you about Mini games. Here’s what Rolo23 had to say:

i would make a game called do – it – yourself and i would put it in the igloos. you can design your own furniture item, and there would be judges. when you have fineshed your item, it would be shown to the judges. if they scored you over 50 points, you get to keep the item for free and it would be put in your inventory! if your score is under 50, you wouldn’t get to keep it. there would be loads of designs to make! waddle on cp

Cool review Rolo23!


New Club Penguin Servers

Club Penguin has added brand new servers to all the language servers! Check it out:

English Servers:

  • Downhill (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Elevation (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Misty (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Tea (Ultimate Safe Chat)

French Servers:

  • Ascension (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Descente (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Brumeux (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Thé (Ultimate Safe Chat)

Spanish Servers:

  • Al agua pato
  • Aletas de fuego
  • Cuesta abajo (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Deshielo
  • Elevación (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Isla secreta
  • Nebulosa (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Trineo de nieve
  • Té helado (Ultimate Safe Chat)

Portuguese servers:

  • Chá (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Cordilheira
  • Descida (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Nublado (Ultimate Safe Chat)
  • Teleférico (Ultimate Safe Chat)

I’m a bit disappointed that practically all the new server are safe chat, but it’s pretty cool there are new ones on the list. We still always are online on matterhorn wool socks or mittens so come and hang out with us some time!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

New Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Water Wallpaper!

Along with Card-Jitsu Water, Club Penguin released a brand new wallpaper about Card-Jitsu Water! Check it out:

This wallpaper includes a Water Ninja battling Water Sensei! What do you think of this new wallpaper? Comment and let me know what you think!

Cloud and Ninja Appearance on the Club Penguin Homepage!

The day when Card-Jitsu Water was out, Club Penguin updated their homepage, and they added a black ninja right next to the lighthouse too! First, let’s check out the homepage:

They added the storm cloud to the homepage. Now, if you look at the lighthouse on the right, you will see a water balloon on the floor. Click on it, and a black-belt ninja will appear! Look:

How awesome is that? I wonder what happened with the EPF Agent. Do you think Club Penguin added the ninja because of Card-Jitsu Water? Comment and let me know!

Club Penguin New Card Jitsu Stamps!

Along with the release of Club Penguin Card Jitsu Water, new stamps were released for Card Jitsu, Card Jitsu Fire, and Card Jitsu Water.

The stamps are located under the games category in your stamp book. So have you earned any of the new stamps yet? Comment and let us know!

How to play Card-Jitsu Water on Club Penguin!

Card-Jitsu Water is out, and you can play the new game too! Here is a guide on how to play Card-Jitsu Water:

1. Go to the Water Dojo.
2 Talk to Sensei.
3. After he gives you the deck set, you are ready to play Card-Jitsu Water!

Here’s how it looks like when you’re playing the game:

Follow the instructions below, and you’ll be amazing at playing Card-Jitsu Water!

Want to be a legend? Earn all the 4 suits and battle Sensei!

Once you earn all these suits, battle Water Sensei, and if you win, you’re officially a Card-Jitsu Water master!

Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Water Major Glitch!

Today, we found a major glitch. When you win a Card-Jitsu Watergame, you earn coins, right? Well, when he finished the game, the game added 88888888 coins to his account! Check it out:


This glitch is really weird!

Weird Club Penguin Chinese Message Pop-up!

I’ve noticed that the background stores are in English, but the names and buddy list names are in Chinese. This is a simple Glitch. Please don’t post bad comments, just enjoy the post if you can! Thank you!

Hey guys,
I’ve noticed that the background stores are in English,Today, our buddy Jack9700 found something really weird. When he was on Club Penguin Chinese, he looked threw his buddy list, and a special mesage popt up! Check it out:

The message says:

You’ve been playing for 2 hour(s). Don’t play too long because it rots your brain.

Weird, looks like Club Penguin is putting restriction hours on Club Penguin Chinese, maybe even on Club Penguin English! Would you like that?

Bye Rnsnail

One of the 3 creators of Club Penguin, Rsnail (also known as Lance Priebe) has quit his job on Club Penguin. The man who created Penguin Chat and assisted Billybob (also known as Lane Merrifield) to create Club Penguin has officially left, but with no reason. Today, on Rsnail’s personal Twitter, he tweeted that he is currently looking for a new job. Check it out:

Thank you for working on Club Penguin Rsnail, you will always be remembered!

Chinese Servers

Note: This will not ban you, because it was on the official Disney website. If they do ban you it is not your original penguin, as they automatically generate you a penguin’s username and password.

1. Go to http://disney.dolmagic.cn/games/cptrans/

2. If you do not understand Chinese, use the google translate to help you. It will load the page in Chinese.

3. Have a parent around to complete the survey with you, or if you prefer by yourself. After completing the survey you will get a username and password in Chinese, that will allow you to login!

Use the username and password to go to the Chinese Servers by Clicking Here!

Pick any server and explore the online world of Club Penguin in Chinese! You start off with 10, 000 coins and a membership!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Club Penguin You Decide

The Island Lifter 3000 won a while ago by a huge margin and above is what the card will look like in action. This card will be in the Card Jistu Water tin set.

Club Penguin wants to know the any other power cards that you would like, just drop a comment on the What’s New blog. Also, if you have a Card Jistu Water tin set you are able to unlock the code on November 25.

Club Penguin Password Feature

If you ever try to save your penguin’s password on Club Penguin, you will see a new message.

1. Click on remember my password
2. Click either yes or no.

You will see three of the following messages. They could spend your coins.

They could change your igloo.

They could get your penguin banned.

These are legitimate tips, remember if your a non-member and your account is left un-active for 6 months you will be removed from there database and you cannot recover it.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November-December Better Igloo Catalog Cheats Guide

Hey Penguins,

The new better igloo catalog is out today and we have all the furniture catalog cheats right here to help you out.

November-December Better Igloo Catalog Cheats Guide:

igloo 1 « Club Penguin Cheats

To get the November December 2010 club penguin furniture catalog also known as the better igloo catalog you need to click on your igloo and once in your igloo you can open the catalog.

For the first cheat you need to click on the top of the iron chandelier and you will be able to buy the knight ice sculpture for 900 coins

igloo 2 « Club Penguin Cheats

For the second secret cheat you need to click on the hanging weight in the grandfather clock

igloo 3 « Club Penguin Cheats

Then you will be able to buy the ornate mirror

igloo 4 « Club Penguin Cheats

Next you need to click on the perched puffle statue bottom

igloo 5 « Club Penguin Cheats

Then you will be able to buy the hidden HD TV

igloo 6 « Club Penguin Cheats

The next secret catalog cheat you need to click on the area circled in the crystal ball and you will be able to get the pipe organ furniture item

igloo 7 « Club Penguin Cheats

The next catalog cheat needs you to click on the “O” in Jack-o-lanterns so you can buy the cauldron

igloo 8 « Club Penguin Cheats

For the next secret you need to click on the circled item for the Creepy Cottage Cut-out

igloo 9 « Club Penguin Cheats

Then your penguin should click on the mouse on the computer desk and you will be able to buy the umbrella table furniture for you penguins igloo

igloo 10 « Club Penguin Cheats

Then you need to click on the top log drawer so you can buy the log table for your igloo during November and December

igloo 11 « Club Penguin Cheats

Also you can click on the top of the modern art sculpture and buy a sweet climbing wall for your igloo

igloo 12 « Club Penguin Cheats

Yeah it’s not really furniture but it will definitely make your igloo better haha and that’s the name of the catalog.

igloo 13 « Club Penguin Cheats

So what do you all think of the cheats for the new better igloo catalog for November and December 2010?