Hey Penguins,
The new better igloo catalog is out today and we have all the furniture catalog cheats right here to help you out.
November-December Better Igloo Catalog Cheats Guide:
To get the November December 2010 club penguin furniture catalog also known as the better igloo catalog you need to click on your igloo and once in your igloo you can open the catalog.
For the first cheat you need to click on the top of the iron chandelier and you will be able to buy the knight ice sculpture for 900 coins
For the second secret cheat you need to click on the hanging weight in the grandfather clock
Then you will be able to buy the ornate mirror
Next you need to click on the perched puffle statue bottom
Then you will be able to buy the hidden HD TV
The next secret catalog cheat you need to click on the area circled in the crystal ball and you will be able to get the pipe organ furniture item
The next catalog cheat needs you to click on the “O” in Jack-o-lanterns so you can buy the cauldron
For the next secret you need to click on the circled item for the Creepy Cottage Cut-out
Then your penguin should click on the mouse on the computer desk and you will be able to buy the umbrella table furniture for you penguins igloo
Then you need to click on the top log drawer so you can buy the log table for your igloo during November and December
Also you can click on the top of the modern art sculpture and buy a sweet climbing wall for your igloo
Yeah it’s not really furniture but it will definitely make your igloo better haha and that’s the name of the catalog.
So what do you all think of the cheats for the new better igloo catalog for November and December 2010?