Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Club Penguin Night Club Features!

A few days ago on the Club Penguin Blog, Billybob mentioned something about theNight Club. He told us to bring some friends along with us. It turns out that there is almost like a new party at the Night Club, but it’s a little tricky to make it into a party!

Here’s how to add all sorts of new decorations to the Night Club, including plenty of flashing lights and a disco ball.

With a few buddies that join you at the Night Club, you won’t be able to do this! It will only work with a large amount of penguins on the dance floor. After around 10 – 20 penguins join you at the Night Club, you will be able to see all kinds of new things!

There’s a disco ball, flashing lights, and even the dance floor changes color schemes! This isn’t exactly what I expected at the Night Club today, but I guess it’s normal for it to have these new things, right? Let me know what you think of all of the new features!

New Club Penguin Speaker Pin Cheat!

Today Club Penguin has released a brand new collectible pin! Here’s how to find the newest Club Penguin pin.

1. Click on your map and go to the Plaza.
2. Go inside the Pet Shop and look to the left of the room.
3. Click on the Speaker Pin that’s on the puffle houses.

New Club Penguin Igloo Music!

Today Club Penguin released brand new music tracks that are available to put in your igloo! Here are all of the newest songs.

The new igloo music tracks are Puffle Party, Orca Straw, Float in the Clouds, and Planet Y. What do you think about the new Club Penguin igloo music tracks? Let me know if you like them or not!

New Club Penguin Reviewed By You!

Cena12121 here. Last week, Club Penguin wanted to know how you help others in need . Their favorite comment was by Bubishii. They said…

In our local comunity I help find lost pets and look after stray animals. In Club Penguin I help penguins who don’t know how to do stuff. I also try to help resolve disagreements. Its really great to hear the money we raised has made a difference! Waddle on! & have fun!

Club Penguin Times Issue #224

Today is Thursday again, which means that there’s a new issue of the Club Penguin Times! Click here to read the newspaper.

Tomorrow on January 29th, the Cave Expedition will be closed down until the Club Penguin construction workers decide it’s safe again. If the caves get reopened again, Rory claims that it won’t be a whole month or so until penguins can explore it again.

On Friday, February 12th, new pet furniture will be arriving to Club Penguin! Why do you think new pet furniture is coming? Club Penguin rarely releases a new Pet Furniture catalog! Do you think a new puffle will really be coming soon?

Also coming on February 12th, there will be a brand new play at the Stage! Yes, and I mean brand new! I think it’s called “Secrets of the Bamboo Forest”. What do you think the play’s story plot is supposed to be? I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

Now, here are all of the upcoming events for Club Penguin.

February 5
• New Penguin Style

February 12
• New Puffle Furniture
• New play at the Stage
• New pin hidden

Club Penguin Mission 11 Theory – Herbert P. and Cave Expedition!

One of the top Club Penguin theorists named Monkeydude managed to come up with a theory on the next Club Penguin mission. It’s very convincing, so I decided that I should let all of you guys in on this.

On January 26, Billybob posted on the community blog. At the end of the post,Billybob said, “I can’t say too much about it, but you might want to check out the Night Club this Friday.” Billybob also mentioned that we will only be able to be in these areas until Thursday.

It seems like Billybob just hinted that the Night Club Penguin be closed off this Friday!Gary said that, “we’ve closed the Night Club to the public and we’ll be guarding it until we announce it to the public.” Club Penguin is probably going to block the Night Club off Friday.

Now it seems like no one can understand why we just had the Cave expedition. Well I think we’ve found it! In this weeks issue of the Club Penguin times, the following was said:

Now take a look at this picture from the beginning of the last mission:

During the Cave expedition, a golden puffle was found. So what does this have to do with the next mission? Check out the next picture where Herbert gives us a, “heads up” about what he plans to do next.

It looks like Herbert is going to steal the puffle that we found in the Cave expedition! It is possible that he has already done this and Club Penguin is going to keep it a secret. However, what I believe is that this Friday a golden puffle will appear in the Night Club for all of us to see. In a week or so, the puffle will be gone and a new mission will be released where we have to find the golden puffle!

All of the facts seem like they are connecting. Do you believe a new mission is coming?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Club Penguin Cave Expedition Update

Things at the Mine are rocking, I am seeing tons of treasure hunters, explorers and divers everywhere, the Cave Expedition will only last until Thursday 28th. Make sure you waddle over to the Mine and make sure you check it out, want the ultimate guide on the Cave Expedition, free items and more. You can view our Ultimate Guide byclicking here

The water room is a big blast. It’s pretty unique as it’s one of the first times that we’ve ever been able to play underwater if you think about it.

Is well, the Club Penguin Team has said to check out the Night Club this Friday and to bring your friends along, I wonder why?

Let us know what you think about the Cave Expedition, and leave your comments on what might be going on this Friday at the Night Club.

New Club Penguin Toy Or Just A Mistake?

Were here to post a super exclusive. One week ago I got this new CP toy but I realized it had a sticker on the tag. I was surprised because when I removed it…. Okay I’m not going to talk about that now but anyways, take a a look at the tag:

thanks to for this pic

Normal tags don’t have a BIG sticker on it saying “Series 6″So what does this mean? Hmmm… there’s something behind that sticker. Why would Club Penguin do that? Maybe because it’s a toy for the next series? Or they wanna keep it a secret? Okay, its time to remove it…

Thanks to clubpenguin for this pic

There you go! Its a new secret CP Toy! Woo hoo! This new toy will be available on the next series (Series 7) and its named “Rock N’ Roll!” How do I know this? Well, I’ve already contacted Club Penguin and they said it was a mistake and they will release it on the next series! Wow, it seems we have an exclusive…

So what do you think? make sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

New Club Penguin “You Decide”!

Cub Penguin is making their own area at the Winter Carnival with activities, lots of ice sculptures, and tons of surprises!

A award-winning ice artist is going to be carving the Club Penguin ice sculptures. Though, Club Penguin wants your help to decide the final ice sculpture that he’ll carve live during Carnival! The three options are:

To choose your favorite, Click Here.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Club Penguin Cave Expedition 2010 Hidden Treasure Cheats!

The rockslide has finally been cleared out at the Mine, and there are many caves that you can explore! Here is a full guide on how to get every free & purchasable item for the Cave Expedition.

1. Start by going to the Mine and pick up your free Mining Helmet.

2. Go through the cave tunnel and enter the first hidden cave.
3. Throw snowballs at the machine to keep the lights on.

4. To get the first item, use your Mining Helmet and do the special dance that goes with it. Start mining/drilling in 4 different places until you get the Amethyst Pin.

5. To the right side of the room, you should notice that the boulder disappeared and rolled away.
6. Go through the entrance where the boulder recently was.
7. Click on the “For Sale” sign to buy the new Diving Suit!

8. You can now put on the Diving Suit and swim underwater!
9. Go through the next entrance underwater.
10. Click on the free background in the next underwater room.

Congratulations! You have now fully completed the Cave Expedition! What do you think of it? Leave a comment with your thoughts! And most importantly, tell me what you think about the new items that are included in it!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Club Penguin Cave Entrance Sneak Peek!

We managed to decompile a sneak peek of the cave entrance which will be released tomorrow! Here’s a picture:

What do you think we are going to be doing inside of the cave? It’s a bit confusing why this is all happening. No one is really sure what is going on, but we will soon. Check back for more updates on the cave!

Club Penguin Treasure Book Page Updated!

Has anyone noticed the new Treasure Book page? If you haven’t you should check out the new one here.

Club Penguin has added new icons for each book on the bottom and also made a few other minor changes. What do you think about the new treasure book page?

New Club Penguin Reviewed by You!

Club Penguin has posted a new reviewed by you on the community blog! This time, Club Penguin asked us about our favorite way to help out construction workers. Here’s what Iceiceice said:

My favorite job is bringing pizza and other refreshments around to workers! I really like it because it is really good excersise and i love the look on all the penguin’s faces when they eat my pizzas, it’s a great sence of accomplishment! Waddle on CP!

This week, Club Penguin is looking to know how we help others through compassion. At my school we are collecting money for people effected by the earthquakes in Haiti. What are you doing to help others?

Club Penguin Times Issue #223

Today is Thursday again, which means that there’s a new issue of the Club Penguin Times! Click here to read the newspaper.

Starting tomorrow at the Mine, the rockslide will finally be cleared away and penguins will be able to help explore what’s inside during the Cave Expedition. But, according to the newspaper, if the caves are not safe to go into, then it will be postponed.

This week, many penguins seem very interested in the Mine and all of the secret caves that may be found in it. Nobody really knows who built the Mine, and many believe that it’s been here longer than the Town! “It makes it even more mysterious because you can see the ocean through the window at the Underground Pool, which must means it’s close to the ocean.”

Now, here are all of the upcoming events for Club Penguin.

January 22
• Cave Expedition

January 29
• New igloo music
• New hidden pin

February 5
• New Penguin Style

Monday, January 18, 2010

Club Penguin Event at the Mine

Things at the mine are getting interesting. This weekend all the rocks at the mine will be cleared, and Club Penguin would like to thank all penguins that are helping towards clearing the rocks. The Club Penguin team have arranged this weekend that there is going to be a huge event.

I’ve found a sneak peak of what the event is going to look like:

I have a feeling that it’s something towards a new room, coming this weekend you will be able to enter the cave ! Leave a comment and let us know your theories of whats going to be in this cave!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 2010 Igloo Catalog Hidden Items and Cheats

Portal Box

The amazing portal box has returned. Click on the middle of the purple stone couch to get it. The portal box costs 200 coins and can be placed in your igloo. When you step on it, you'll be transported to the Box Dimension!


The sleek new HD TV can be yours if you click on the blue base of the stone lamp. The TV costs 1000 coins.

Snowboard Rack

Click on the middle of the ski rack to get the snowboard rack for 600 coins.


click on the blue bird on the snowman's hat to get the Nutcracker. It costs 950 coins.

Small Christmas Tree

Christmas may be long gone, but you can still get the Christmas decorations for your igloo, including the small Christmas Tree. Click on the red bow in the Christmas Wreath to buy it for 400 coins.

Christmas Lights

There's more hidden Christmas stuff in the catalog. Click on the yellow star on top of the large Christmas Tree to get the Christmas Lights for 30 coins per strand. Get a bunch of strands and be that annoying penguin who leaves all the Christmas decorations up until May or June.

Coat Rack

Click on the blue modern chair to get the coat rack. It costs 200 coins.

Shoe Rack

Click on the driftwood in the fish tank to get the shoe rack, which will set you back 120 coins.

Wood Stove

Click on the front right leg of the coffee table to get the wood stove, which costs 900 coins.


Click on the right snow tower where it says Build Your Own Snow Fort to get the Fireplace, which costs 1200 coins.


Click on the top edge of the snow fortress wall to get the icicles, which cost 150 coins each.

That wraps it up for another month's edition of the Club Penguin Igloo Furniture Catalog cheats. Hope you enjoyed it!

Club Penguin Talks about the Brown Puffle!

Today we sent an email to Club Penguin support asking about the brown puffle rumor. We told them that we saw the puffle on the Toys R Us website and here’s what they had to say:

“Apparently Toys “R” Us thought the Black Puffle looked Brown and therefore added a Brown Puffle to their website while the Black Puffle was still on it. Club Penguin called Toys “R” Us and had them remove it because THERE IS NO BROWN PUFFLE! There may be in the future, but not anytime in the coming months!”

If you now check the Toys R Us website, the old link to the Brown Puffle goes to theblack puffle. This information is 100% factual and from Club Penguin itself.

As for the orange puffle, no one really knows what is going on with that yet. If any news is spread about the puffle, I’ll be sure to keep you guys updated. Remember the brown puffle won’t be on Club Penguin anytime soon!

The Rock Slide at the Mine Gets Bigger!

If you go to the Mine and check out the rock slide, you will notice that the cave opening has started to open.

The giant boulder on top can be moved. If you hover your mouse over it, the boulder will fall and the cave will slightly open.

What do you think is going on back there? Are we going into Gary’s Secret Lab again? Hey Mayeb there could be a new room coming to club penguin for everyone! Are we looking for Yeti’s? Is Herbert up to something? Let us know all of your theories.

New Club Penguin Puffer Fish Pin Cheat!

There’s a new hidden pin on Club Penguin! Here’s how to find the Puffer Fish pin:

1. Click on the map in the lower left.
2. Go to the Iceberg.
3. Click on the Puffer Fish pin.

Here is what the Puffer Fish pin looks like on Club Penguin:

Congratulations, you’ve found the new Puffer Fish pin on Club Penguin!

Club Penguin January/February 2010 Igloo Upgrades Secrets!

Here are the new hidden item secrets in the new January/February 2010 Igloo Upgrades catalog.

Here’s how to find the first hidden item, the Secret Stone Igloo:

1. Go to the 2nd page of the Better Igloos catalog.
2. Click on the crowbar in the upper right.


Here’s how to find the second hidden item, the Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo:

1. Go to the 8th page of the Better Igloos catalog.
2. Click on the door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo.


Which do you like more: the new flooring, or the new cave igloo? I’m going to decorate my igloo like the Yeti’s Cave from the Great Snow Maze. Good idea right?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Club Penguin January 2010 Better Igloos Sneak Peeks!

We decompiled the Club Penguin Times newspaper and made some great discoveries! There are four new Better Igloos catalog items that we managed to get pictures of.

The new items include a stone blue chair, a blue/green lamp, a green table, and a red table. These items seem very unique. Looks like Club Penguin is going back to the caveman era for the furniture catalog! What do you think about the Better Igloos sneak peek?

New Club Penguin Reviewed By You!

Cena12121 here. Last week, Club Penguin wanted to know what you think the ultimate furniture item would be. Their favorite comment was by Yodalaheehoo . They said…

The ultimate furniture item would be a flying carpet!!!! When you walk over it, it would rise up and fly around your igloo! That would be so awesome!!!!!! And you could pick the color and pattern!!! Haha- A penguin can dream of flying in the own comfort of its home, can’t it? You rock Club Penguin! Waddle on!

Thanks, Yodalaheehoo!

Here’s the new Reviewed By You question:

Club Penguin wants to know what your favorite way to help out when something like this happens on the island?!

To answer this Reviewed By You question, Click Here.

Club Penguin Times Issue #222

Today is Thursday again, which means that there’s a new issue of the Club Penguin Times! Click here to read the newspaper.

This week at the Mine, many penguins discovered a rockslide and have been trying to find all kinds of ways to help out. It has still not been confirmed what caused it, but we’ll most likely have the news about it sometime late next week!

Tomorrow, on January 15, get ready for a brand new igloo and some cave items that include couches, chairs, lamps, and even more! I think that these new cave items somehow connect to what’s going on at the Mine! What do you think?

Now, here are all of the upcoming events for Club Penguin.

January 15
• New Better Igloos catalog
• New Igloo Upgrades catalog
• New hidden pin

January 29
• New igloo music

Club Penguin’s Happy77 Asks about Cart Surfer!

Many penguins are very curious about the rock slide inside of the Mine. Club Penguin wanted to remind us not to forget that a great game is also there – Cart Surfer!

Since the new Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades catalogs are coming out tomorrow, why not earn some extra coins for some new furniture? Below are some tips from Cart Surfer experts:

Expert #1 – “Do lotsa backflips!”
Expert #2 – “Grind all the corners.
Expert #3 – “Crash on purpose to buy more time! Seriously!”

Cart Surfer is a very easy way to earn tons of coins fast! If you are looking for other ways to earn tons of coins fast, check out my Club Penguin coin cheats page! Let me know all of your highscores!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Club Penguin Events for January 2009 Revealed – Mission 11 Coming Soon?!

Club Penguin has a membership page (view it here) which shows you what the upcoming events are for the current month for members.

The membership page was updated for all of the other languages except for English. Here is a picture of the French version with the new events for January:

Club Penguin wrote all of the events in French, but not in English! Here is a translation from French to English:

Prepare yourself for an avalanche surprise!

  • Become and act as your favorite characters in Fairy Fable
  • Explore a mysterious new and secret location
  • Create your own t-shirts in the penguin style catalog
  • Decorate your igloo with new prehistoric items

Check out the second bullet, “”Explore a mysterious new and secret location“! I’m pretty sure that this event has something to do with the landslide in the Mine. Maybe there is going to be an avalanche or something. If you remember the Halloween party, it’s the same area where Gary’s Secret Lab is located. Maybe Herbert is trying to get into Gary’s Secret Lab to steal some of his inventions! Do you sense Mission 11 is in the making?!

If this is all right and a new room is created, the blank TV screen at the PSAHeadquarters will finally be filled!

If Gary’s Secret lab does become a new room, it will probably be only for members since it is listed under the membership events page. We’re just going to have to wait and see how the story unravels! What do you think?